Saturday, January 8


So I've never really been one of those 'Saturday-Morning shoppers' however one of my friends called me this morning to tell me about a 'VINTAGE FAIR' in Brick Lane today at first I was abit hesitant, BUT when she mentioned the 'Pay for a £20 bag and fill up the bag as much as possible with anything you want' rule and it sounded instantly attractive!

So that's exactly what we did! Off we went to Brick Lane bought our £20 bags and filled them up as much as possible! It was abit crazy and filled with shoppers, and we hadnt got there at the start so probably missed alot of the really good stuff. However, I got some amazing buys all for 20 quid!

I'm wearing some of the items I bought in the pics - Excluding the camel coat (thats mine) - I just wanted to show my overflown bag!

And then...

So after the Vintage sale we continued along our Brick Lane adventure and fell across the 'East Gallery' - which was basically a sale for up and coming creative designers who had their merchandise on sale. These included items like t-shirts, caps, jumpers, hoodies, that kind of thing.
It was just interesting seeing the different forms of art and graphic printed on garments (oh and there was a DJ + Cupcakes!).

All-in-all a fantastic, fashion-filled day in Brick Lane!


  1. it looks like u guys had fun!!!...without me :(

  2. It woulda been ultimate with you Timi -
    Dont worry! Next week :)

  3. LOOKS FUN! Amazing photography LOVE your outfit
